

⛅️Self-Remembering⛅️ The clouds move as one slow amorphous parade across the sky. Rimmed edges of sunlight frame the plumes of white whipped castles, For as


Keep The Music In Your Heart

-KEEP THE MUSIC IN YOUR HEART- Remember those times when you listened to a piece of music and your heart soared? You felt like all


Life Is Precious

-LIFE IS PRECIOUS- The most difficult and yet, empowering moments of our lives, are when we experience the loss of what we know we treasure


FOCUS -August 2023

-FOCUS- Conscious focus requires a magnifying glass, the ability to hone in on what you are creating with your mind, feeling with your emotions, and


Rebirth -August 2023

-REBIRTH- Dear Hearts, Fear not, these exponential changes, Close not your eyes, for fear of what, as yet cannot be seen. Beneath the turbulent sea,


That Which I See

-THAT WHICH I SEE- That which I see is mostly what I think, When the thinking stops, I go blind. The inner-scape of my outer-view


Surrender -July 2023

-SURRENDER- “Our experiences are not linear but a weaving wave of unexpected discoveries where surrender is essential in navigating the eternal sea of change going


What If? -June 2023

WHAT IF? What if you are okay just where you are? Not so you can just sit back and be complacent, but so exactly where


Free Fall

-Free Fall- Watching multiple concentric rings appear and disappear as the rain gently dances upon the puddles. A fractal of chaotic order. A lilac tree’s



EMBODIMENT The thing about my turning 70 (which is yes, just a number) is that I find myself taking a closer look at what I