Welcome to TruGuy.com
I am excited to have you join me here. Thank you, for dropping by.
My primary goal is to offer you some inspiration, peaceful repose, and stimulating ideas to assist your journey for greater meaning and purpose in your life.
Essentially, I desire to explore and understand the mysteries of our raison d’etre…our reason for being. I am motivated and driven to inner-stand three primary influences and their relationship to each other: Power, Sensitivity and Surrender and how they, through their integration, allow love and wisdom to prevail. No matter where you are on your path to self-realization I hope the content here will provide you with some healing rejuvenation and greater clarity and promise for navigating your days ahead.
Please check out my many meme’s for a quick shot of inspiration, as well as my reflective poetry and prose on the Meditation page. I will also be adding guided meditations in an MP3 audio format. Contact me about purchasing my new Album “Surrender To Love” …an album devoted to spreading more love in the world.
Also, my Blog is where I share my reflections about my own journey and the questions that arise from the vast landscapes of change and transformation affecting me and all of us now; an uncensored expression of what provokes my own growth, and a sharing of what resources are helping me. Feel free to contact me if you would like an intimate concert in your home or a venue you wish to provide.
Tru's New Album: Surrender To Love
With all that has deeply affected us from 2019 to 2022 I wanted to create an album that would bring more comfort, healing and love to humanity.
This album is both personal and universal. The first 10 songs were produced by my dear friend and multi-instrumentalist, Chris Birkett, who has produced many great artists such as Buffy Saint Marie, Sinead O’connor and many more.
The instrumentation is made up of much variety including harp, hand drums, guitars, choirs, flute, overtone chant, crystal bowls, pipes, harmonies and more.
I added four live bonus tracks of only voice and guitar.
The songs express the many faces of love and are meditative and devotional ballads, as well as inspiring the listener to slow dance to some.
May they touch your soul and inspire you to feel and know greater wisdom and love.
Purchase Surrender to Love Album

Tru's Book
When, with love, I wholly surrender to each moment as it passes I discover a great richness in living those moments.
This little book is such a moment for me.
It is deeply personal and universal at the same time.
It is my surrender to the many faces of love.
It is my compassionate act of self-forgiveness beyond the need for it, since love is all I have ever been.
It is an expression of my journey to the joy and liberation of coming home; my humble, yet proud, acceptance of who I am and how I am also an intimate part of the story you are as well, for we are all ONE.