
The Wellspring 08.08.22

-The Wellspring- To listen and wait Within the Well of Living Water Where every drop upon my parched lips Awakens a thoughtless word Whose seed


The Guest -July 2022

-THE GUEST- “You are a guest In the mansion of your heart. Have you forgotten while lost in the many rooms you have been living


Fluidity -July 2022

-FLUIDITY- “Even within stillness, there is a flow, For to be still I must be aware of movement, The constant process of acknowledgment and the


Profound Simplicity -July 2022

-PROFOUND SIMPLICITY- A teardrop of dew falls from the petal of a flower, The call and response of birdsong, The hush of silence after a


Courage -July 2022

-COURAGE- Aristotle said that “courage is the first of human qualities.” Courage is the sharp edge of conscious choosing, and the willingness to start again,


Patterns-July 2022

-PATTERNS- Patterns within patterns have weaved a false matrix of what and who we say we are. My lack of awareness of those patterns causes


Knowledge Is Power-July 2022

-KNOWLEDGE IS POWER- We have all heard it said that knowledge is power, And so we seek it for the power it gives, seldom diving


When I Write-July 1st, 2022

-When I Write- When I write, I am speaking to that which is speaking to me. And listening with the ear of my ear, for


Planting a Relationship

-PLANTING A RELATIONSHIP- When the Prince asked the Fox “How can we become friends?” The fox replied, “You sit over there and I’ll sit over


Summer Solstice-2022

-SUMMER SOLSTICE 2022- “On this, the longest day of the Sun All that is obscured in the Shadows Shall rise into the Light of Day,