The Freedom and Power of Disbelief
*The Freedom and Power of Disbelief* When we come to realize that we are the sum total of All That Is and ever will be,
*The Freedom and Power of Disbelief* When we come to realize that we are the sum total of All That Is and ever will be,
The real intrigue and excitement in life comes more from a question then an answer.
-INVOCATION FOR THIS DAY- In devotion, I come and bring these words and thoughts, Entreating Source to me confer, To move my heart with love
TOGETHER “Wrapped in your arms Embracing me in part and in whole, Alluring smiles we offer, An ethereal taste of each other’s soul, As I
-HUMANITY’S CURRENT SPIRITUAL RITE OF PASSAGE- Our consciousness is currently experiencing an unprecedented bombardment, tearing at the very fabric of how we have hitherto identified
-CO-CREATION- I am learning that to co-create with the Creator I must surrender… I must surrender to a Higher Will, But this higher will is
⛅️Self-Remembering⛅️ The clouds move as one slow amorphous parade across the sky. Rimmed edges of sunlight frame the plumes of white whipped castles, For as
-KEEP THE MUSIC IN YOUR HEART- Remember those times when you listened to a piece of music and your heart soared? You felt like all
-LIFE IS PRECIOUS- The most difficult and yet, empowering moments of our lives, are when we experience the loss of what we know we treasure
-FOCUS- Conscious focus requires a magnifying glass, the ability to hone in on what you are creating with your mind, feeling with your emotions, and