-ODE TO LOVE- Love… oh sweet love How you tear my heart asunder only to build it back up again from scratch renewed but tender,
-ODE TO LOVE- Love… oh sweet love How you tear my heart asunder only to build it back up again from scratch renewed but tender,
SACRED MARRIAGE She wrapped me in her beautiful embrace. as my wounded masculine melted. No longer dominant or subservient But equal in mutual surrender to
-I SPEAK- I speak now of things unsaid, Of battles lost and lessons won I speak now for what is most tender Held for fear
-THE DISCOVERY- One step in front of the other… Mile upon mile he walked There was no destination, So that when he stopped He found
WELCOME HOME There is an ocean between us Its waves bring reminders of each other as we crash upon each other’s shore confused by how
-BEGINNER’S MIND- Unable to move, he watched… As every thought became a bird leaving the comforting nest of ego-mind He began to shake, he watched…
-WHERE WE SHALL MEET- Swirling spin of light, Within and beyond itself, Rising, falling, diving, calling Slipping through the cracks Of my forgetfulness, A sober
COMBUSTION OF LIGHT I Am a combustion of Light Exploding upon multiple plains of reality Through the conspired union Of energy and matter I was
THE BRIDGE There is but a small space barrier between what I think and what I know. What I know speaks to what is beyond
THE WIND SPEAKS The wind spoke to me today It spoke of clearing things away To move along the graces of change To forget and