Being a man of words
I get exhausted with all the words
Attempting to capture my attention

Words are like jumping off a cliff
Into a sea of perspectives
That are ALL relative, limited and subjective
Rallying for my agreement and loyalty.

When living is stripped down
To being seen only with the mind
I become lost to impulse
And buried in intellectual stimuli

Like being on social media
Where I have my original intention
Overwhelmed by the many squirrels
Flashing before me
Taking me hither and thither
To the point that my original focus
Becomes lost to layers of distraction.

My computer is stacked with fascinating info
So much so that at times,
With so many choices,
I become transfixed and somewhat paralyzed
About what to prioritize.

In the functional “doing” of day to day life
Where practicality governs many of my choices
Where do all my efforts take me in the end?

Who am I amidst the many eyes of self,
To the many eyes of a world looking on…
To what end do I exist?
Or find purpose in living?
Does “being” have a purpose,
A destination, or is simply being
Something we embody
In living each moment
Where purpose finds itself?

When the words fall away into silence
My Being is discovered as Breath
The eternal flow of life
Moving in and out of me
Where “me” disappears
And all that remains is “US” and ALL THAT IS,
Lovingly walking in tandem with each other
Harnessed to kindness, truth, and the wisdom of love
I stand in awe of such simple Grace.
-TruGuy Starhorse ❤
Jan 22, 2025