This past weekend I spent an amazing time on a retreat with 9 outstanding men of the heart 

We laughed, cried, played, told stories, sang, dove deep, were vulnerable and powerful, acknowledged our desire to bring the essence of our true selves more effectively into all our relationships and the world. We affirmed the greater good that men can realize together by honoring our masculine and feminine archetypal energies and the balance and peace that can emerge as a result. I was truly blessed to share in such a sacred circle of love and synergistic harmony. We flowed with ease and grace together without coercion or agenda other than the desire to cultivate a space for us to share the beauty of our authentic essence.
I can humbly yet boldly say it was an experience where I was witnessing a beautiful process of men becoming higher and better versions of themselves, and an exciting sign of better things to come, not only for us, but for everyone we meet, the world around us, and everything we do. Sooooo grateful! Namaste 

-TruGuy Starhorse