With every step speaking true I am compelled to Be and Do No longer bound by fear and doubt All that’s within can move about.
Can I sit with the discomfort of what I think is certain is actually uncertain, realizing that the most difficult things to accept stare me straight in the face?
Teacher teach thyself.
The only thing consistent in me is Love and the Life Force that sustains me. All else is passing and evolving. Humbled I am, and Grateful.
It is important to work and inspire the wild within you, not beat it into compliant passivity. -Tru Starhorse
‘Ripple Effect’ 💞💕💞
I am nothing if not for all that feeds my soul.
Surrendering to your own universal Light simply requires the courage and joy of a child’s capacity to let go. It marks the return to a heart of innocence and divine trust.
Life is not a “lesson”, it is an experience…one you allow yourself to have and then let go of. To hold on is to become the “victim” of experience instead of the “free” passenger of experience itself. -Tru Starhorse
Step back from the drama taking you down rabbit 🐇 holes of confusion and fear. When seen in the Light of Day, they can remind you what not to focus on and how much beauty and profound joy and appreciation awaits you on the other side. -Tru StArHoRsE
There can be no moving forward Without letting go of the past, There can be no letting go of the past Without being fully in the present, And there can be no being fully in the present Without surrendering to what is. Through this surrender the future becomes now and the past becomes a heart full of gratitude for what has brought you to this Now. Thus, all three merge into ONE. -Tru Starhorse
If we don’t take the time to deeply listen, Then all we hear is the chatter of a busy mind. Inspiration and In-Sight come from stillness and receptivity.
There is nothing to seek outside of ourselves in order to truly discover ourselves. The seed does not seek its genetic blueprint. It simply surrenders to the dream that already knows how to blossom. -Tru
The historical and present long-planned strategies to dominate and control the Human-Being are simply feeble attempts to make us doubt our true stature and role as noble ambassadors of the transformative power of love, truth, and freedom. We are now on a journey of courage and deep trust in what is the essence of our role at this time and to remain steadfast in shining our Light. -Tru Starhorse
When you are not governed by fear there is no need for the truth to be “proven”, it can be felt and known through empirical evidence. Trust your heart, body, and Nature.
The road home never seems to be a straight line as we each discover the path over and over again…a path we can witness in others and be em-path-ic to but are basically alone in walking. The company along the way is a fleetingly precious gift as we paradoxically realize we are never alone, for the destination is fundamentally the same for all of us. As has been said, we are all just walking each other home. -TruGuy Starhorse 💗
All That can be known is known within the seed, I Am, upon whose field everything Is, and ever shall Be.
-IRIDESCENCE- Beauteous Light, Shimmering Waves of bodiless form, Indigo blues, Spectrums of violet hues, Spill upon my inner and outer sight, the wondrous and, incredulous indefinability of the eternal kiss of life. Upon my bended knee I fall upon its intricate simplicity, the great unraveling of that which courses through me an infinite curiosity, a playful levity, wiggling me into the beauty of you, as seen in every shade imbued upon the many angles to a view. Such is the voracious appetite for Truth and its’ iridescence. -TruGuy Starhorse Nov. 18th, ‘22
No matter where you have come from,
No matter what you have done,
No matter where you are going,
Or what you imagine to come,
No matter how this moment grips you,
Or makes you want to run,
You are always on the edge
Of what cannot be known,
But for the faith in stepping,
Toward what will be sown,
You are the path unfolding,
Each moment births alone.
No Matter.
We came here to blossom! 🌹
Water-Light…a mystical and magical experience.
We are That which births becoming Returning to That Which cannot be named.-Starhorse
To Be or not to Be, It is for each of us to choose.
No matter what is thrown at us, we will prevail, we will find our strength, love, and peace ❤ We are the Way, the Truth, and the Light.
Every journey and its outcome is determined by the kind of step I take in this very moment.
We all depart to write the stories we came here to create, and yet, we are not the stories we tell, but the love we leave behind. -TruGuy
Much of life is a race to get to where we already are but can’t see yet.
True love is free of all attachment. One loves for love’s sake. -Tru