What if the greater design behind “Falling in Love” is to break your heart so wide open that you will surrender to “Being Love” beyond purely romance?
Ultimately, love can take us beyond (while including) our personal ego identity where we move beyond “I” into “WE” and a new kind of harmonized relationship between masculine and feminine begins to emerge.
Falling in love often carries the baggage of longed for but unmet needs, which often becomes projected onto one’s partner, drowning out the potential for conscious love to grow unless one’s fears are faced, felt and released.
Falling in love can also become a beautiful initiation into a more mature kind of love that still delights in the joys of romance but finds its ground in being consciously present, spiritually grounded, and of real service to the relationship and the world.
Not an easy balance to maintain in one self, let alone, in an intimate relationship.
But what if falling in love is a precursor to being love? A process that takes us deeply within the personal and collective universal experience of love.
Being Love has no filter. It is not preferential, being that its nature is unconditional.
Falling in love opens my heart to both the shadow and light of my desires, as well as tempts me to follow the socialized unconscious expectations of romance.
Being Love is both personal and universal. I literally fall in love with myself, the other, and everything else as I discover that I am the very love I seek… and that it is seeking me… as me.
The flower wants to be seen and kissed by the light.
As with all things, we long for what unites and celebrates us.
Being Love gets me out of my head and into my heart. The heart becomes the pilot and the mind its’ servant and cooperative ally.
Then, I am being asked to trust what as yet cannot be seen. This is especially true for affairs of the heart because love cannot be controlled, only honoured, nurtured and respected.
Emotional discernment becomes my guide requiring that I be still and feel (Know) the truth of what my heart is speaking to me. This can be a painful process when I am stuck in attachments, hopes, and expectations.
Surrendering to Being Love opens me so wide that it breaks me and my heart over and over again.
I am the ashes of love’s burning, and the soil of its’ renewal.
So, falling in love can be a very difficult and beautiful passage to realizing and experiencing one’s whole being becoming love, where the ego let’s go in order to be of true service to me, humanity, and the Unified Field.
-Tru Starhorse 💗
(March 2, 2025)