This infinite space within
My fleshy human container
Where cavernous bellows ache
With the collective pain of Humanity
And all that is sacred and profane

My place is every place
My heart is every heart
My knowing is beyond thinking

I feel the essence of me
In a drop of water,
A grain of sand,
A falling leaf,
A babies cry,
Even in all the atrocities
That we have perpetuated
Upon this earth and each other…

All That Is will gracefully return
To the regenerating origins of Source.

I am the tender loving bond
Mother Gaia has for her children
And the courageous loving will
Of a man’s strength, compassion and humility

I carry so much more
Than just my story
I carry the stories of all time
Of All people
Of every animal, rock and tree

Gestating within me
Is the fetus
Of a New Human
A great divine conception
So preciously held within the womb
Of my heart-felt consciousness

In the great alchemical caldron
Of our quantum reality
Nothing is discarded
All the pain, horror, and grief are gathered up
And mixed with the juices of our joy, laughter and love,
Past, future and present coalesce
Into ONE stream of living awareness

And as I sit in the seat of my Being
And cast all shadows
Upon the threshing floor of Truth
I pray…

“Oh Great Spirit…
Please forgive me…
I am sooo sorry for my forgetfulness,
Empty me, until I am full!
Empty me, until I am full!
Empty me, until I am full,
And ready, once again,
To begin a new Life-Giving
Transformational story of Love.

The great confluence of Shadow and Light
Harmoniously intertwined.”

-TruGuy Starhorse
(Oct. 15, 2024)