In sharing your story, may it be what speaks to the truth of you, and awakens your heart further into embracing “you” as your beloved, so it can lead you with greater love and confidence toward the story you want to create in each present moment, as your future, now.
You are rising from the ashes of so much pain and (self) abandonment.
You are moving beyond blame and retribution into compassionate forgiveness and healing.
As you proclaim, “no more!” and allow love to purify all your struggles into becoming wisdom and compassion, you will see and feel that there are many gifts to be discovered from those pits of despair that you have endured.
There is a profound transformation taking place now, with respect to relationships, and those contracts of expectations hitherto demanded, from the conditioned norms of family and society.
Love and deep inner fulfillment is not something we project onto anything outside of us any longer.
The Beloved is within.
What we celebrate with others is what we are first celebrating within ourselves.
As a result, we will then find the right people coming into our lives, even if it is only for a short time.
Relationships then become bridges to what liberates us all from codependency and fear.
From such liberation and emancipation we have many beautiful gifts to share with the world.
You are a diamond and it takes great pressure over many years to unearth the diamond you have always been.
We discover that self love reminds and instills in us the revelatory experience of knowing how much LOVE loves to LOVE.
-Tru Guy Starhorse Windwalker 

May 8, 2024