How the sun this morning
kisses the silvery white glow of birch
and the emerald green of Fir and Pine.
How streams of sunlight
speckle the crystal snow,
with white and gold marbling.
The sky is abalone blue mother of pearl
breathing reflections of earth’s oceans,
as my eyes bathe
in the sweeping beauty of worlds within worlds.
They pass through the prismatic chambers of my heart,
illuminating and elevating my every thought and feeling.
I uncontrollably fall to my knees and weep an aching joy,
a flood of gratitude, wonder, and ecstasy.
My tears fall gently to the earth bursting into rivers
singing me through this vast ephemeral moment,
lifting me to the heights of Being,
to the living proof of spiritual presence everywhere
and the inescapable truth that I am a part of it all.
Oh, how the sun this morning
kissed and dazzled my soul awake.
-TruGuy Starhorse Dec. 7th, ‘22
How the sun this morning
kisses the silvery white glow of birch
and the emerald green of Fir and Pine.
How streams of sunlight
speckle the crystal snow,
with white and gold marbling.
The sky is abalone blue mother of pearl
breathing reflections of earth’s oceans,
as my eyes bathe
in the sweeping beauty of worlds within worlds.
They pass through the prismatic chambers of my heart,
illuminating and elevating my every thought and feeling.
I uncontrollably fall to my knees and weep an aching joy,
a flood of gratitude, wonder, and ecstasy.
My tears fall gently to the earth bursting into rivers
singing me through this vast ephemeral moment,
lifting me to the heights of Being,
to the living proof of spiritual presence everywhere
and the inescapable truth that I am a part of it all.
Oh, how the sun this morning
kissed and dazzled my soul awake.
-TruGuy Starhorse Dec. 7th, ‘22
(Image by Alexander Grey on Unsplash.com)